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A Result Oriented Testimonial

Generally, when someone gives you a testimonial, they fill it with glamour words and fluff that sound great. That's OK, but they mean nothing to your potential customer. These kinds of testimonials are not very useful, like:

"Wow, the Marketing Challenge is the best thing that ever happened to my business! You guys are really cool!" Or, "The Internet Marketing Challenge is awesome. I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks a million."

While they make you feel really good and are great for company morale, they don't really tell potential customers anything… anything that means something to them specifically.

Potential customers want to know how your product or service has benefited others just like them. They want testimonials that reveal benefits they can apply to their own situations.

The types of testimonials that are going to help you increase your sales are what I call "Result Oriented Testimonials."

Let me explain.

When someone purchases something from you, chances are they made their buying decision based on how they perceived your product or service benefiting them. They see it making their life easier, solving a problem, reducing their stress, improving their health, making them happy, etc.

Fine. But your testimonials should reflect the exact results your products or services have produced for your customers. For example, if you are selling a fuel additive that increases a car's gas mileage, then a testimonial that would pull great results would say something like:

"Using your fuel additive, I increased my mileage by 25%, and I am saving over $100 a month!"

As you can see, this testimonial tells you exactly what happened when this customer used your product! The benefits are very clear. When your potential customer reads this kind of testimonial, the first thing they will do is calculate (or at least visualize) their savings based on the exact figures that someone else has achieved using the same product!

Do not underestimate the power of this one simple technique! By using "Result Oriented Testimonials," you are going to instantly add unprecedented credibility to your product. Plus, you will be reinforcing the benefits of your offer.

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